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"The 'site' and everything reported in it does not represent a newspaper as it will be updated without any cyclical or regular periodicity and therefore cannot be considered an editorial product pursuant to law no. 62 of 07/03/2001.

The GET ANALYSIS MULTIMARKET site is an online club and the services provided are used to help the user to form an overall culture on the performance of the financial markets. The site is written for the personal interest of the authors in relation to the topics covered. There is no other reason other than this purely personal passion of the authors and in no way do you want to solicit savings and investment in any form or propose trading strategies to third parties.

The activity of the site does not constitute personalized advice as indicated by article 1 paragraph 5 septies of legislative decree 58/98, as amended by legislative decree 167/2007.

All the content of the site is intended exclusively for qualified operators, as defined by art. 31 of Consob resolution no. 11522/98. The writer does not know the personal characteristics of any of the readers, especially income flows, risk predisposition, equity consistency.

It is possible that the writer is directly interested as a private saver in the performance of the securities dealt with on this site and carries out trading activities on his own on the same instruments mentioned. It is therefore reiterated that, given the contents (including any personal activity of the authors), they do not represent an invitation to buy or sell the financial instruments dealt with (without exception). Therefore, the analyzes, operational signals and any other information or article published are purely informative and do not constitute financial advice in any way, nor do they constitute a solicitation of public savings. Each section of the 'site' (and consequently all the contents contained therein) must be understood as pure and simple personal opinions of the authors.

Each user will use the information provided within the 'site' under their own responsibility and therefore it is reiterated that the authors are relieved of any liability, for direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of the information, indications and suggested links and contents. They also relieve themselves from any inaccuracies, inaccuracies, errors and omissions, untimeliness / delays, interruptions and / or suspensions of indications, information and / or operational signals. The 'site' is therefore not responsible for any results obtained by users using the information provided by the authors.

The authors of the 'site' have no responsibility for the contents of the pages which can be accessed through (any) links on the 'site', their quality or the correctness of the data contained therein. Comments written by third parties do not in any way fall on the responsibility of the authors of the 'site' (we make use of the reservation as the right not to publish or delete them if deemed offensive and / or vulgar towards the authors themselves or third parties). With no exceptions the user is allowed to publish, (re) transmit, (re) distribute or reproduce in any other way any information (and in any format) to third parties, except with the direct authorization of the authors of the "site".


Treatment of personal data

The processing of personal data - as established by Legislative Decree n. 196 of 30 June 2003 ("Code regarding the protection of personal data") - will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency and the protection of your privacy and your rights. Pursuant to art. 13 Legislative Decree 196/2003, the data you provide will be used for promotional, marketing and / or statistical purposes. The treatment will be carried out in manual and computerized mode. The provision of data is mandatory to allow the drafting of suitable certificates of participation and / or the invoicing of the amount and any refusal to provide such data could lead to failure or partial execution of the contract.

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